Facebook Body Transformation Discussion with Diverse Trainers
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BodyPower 2015 was 3 weeks ago. An amazing event which saw the Diverse Trainers tutors meet some of the fitness industry’s biggest stars… literally! Jay Cutler, Phil Heath and Kai Greene just to name a few. Also from that weekend was the motivational juggernaut Kris Gethin. For those that don’t know Kris has a vast background in personal training an author, spokes model for Bodybuilding.com more importantly he’s renowned as one of the world’s best transformation specialists. One of the main highlights for one of Diverse Trainers tutors Jay was finally getting to meet Kris Gethin. Since then Jay has been motivated greatly to get back into shape after taking some time out because of a long lasting shoulder injury and work commitments. He’s now 2 weeks into Kris Gethin’s first 12 week transformation series and we’ve spoke with him to find out how it’s been going.

Jay’s Body Transformation Programme

What made you want to do this transformation? It seems quite extreme?

Well I’ve looked over a number of different programmes out there prior to starting up with this one. The routine seemed to fit in with what I could manage to put into the gym (time wise). I also liked the fact that there was a 10-15 minute video from Kris every day. He was going through the transformation as well. So I liked the idea of having a virtual training partner.  

2 weeks in, what results have you seen?

These 2 weeks have flown by, the first weigh in after week 1 I was a little nervous, not sure what to expect in terms of weight loss. On the video series Kris lost 7lbs in his first week. I weighed in, I’d lost 6lbs! I was made up. Confidence in the programme has grown since then. The weigh in at the end of my 2nd week has seen another 3lbs dropped so in all that’s 9lbs in the first 2 weeks. Clothes are fitting better already and I’ve seen some strength increase in certain exercises as well.  

What have you found difficult about the programme?

Surprisingly, the Nutrition side of things. No I don’t mean having to eat healthy, that’s easy after the first couple of days. For me it’s been difficult eating as much. More meals throughout the day to keep my metabolism ticking over and avoiding hunger and cravings. It felt at first like I was eating too much, hence why I was nervous going into the first weigh in.

What would a typical meal plan for a day look like for you?



  • Porridge (made with water)
  • 4 scrambled egg whites

Protein Shake post workout Mid morning meal:

  • Chicken breast
  • Sweet potato

Mid afternoon meal:

  • Chicken breast or fish
  • green veg

Evening meal:

  • Meat (something lean and high in protein)
  • Veg

The diet that is laid out in the programme calls for no dairy (no milk mainly), no fruits (avoiding the sugars) and no added fat (hence why no yolks) just naturally occurring fats.

How’s the shoulder injury?

It’s doing really well, It’s an old injury from when I was doing the strong lifts 5×5 training programme last year, physio didn’t do anything really. I should have invested in Sports Massages (something which I’m doing now throughout this 12 week programme). I did feel some discomfort during the second week on chest day; I think the flyes opened the joint more than anything though, so there hasn’t been any lasting concern from that.

Fancy a fitness challenge yourself?

So there we go, Jay is now going into his third week of the 12. We’ll continue to post his daily workouts (Maybe you want to give it a go) and we’ll catch up with him again in another couple of weeks. If you want a new challenge and want to achieve something great, then contact Diverse Trainers today and you could be writing transformation programmes and affecting the lives of others as a Level 2 Gym Instructor or Level 3 Personal Trainer.

Contact the office today for more information.

Or even the chance to speak to Jay and find out more on 01772 910 930 / 020 3841 8309

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    Body Transformation at Diverse Trainers